Lewis Carroll wrote in Alice in Wonderland, “If you don’t know where you’re going any road will get you there.” Yogi Berra said “If you don’t know where you’re going, you might wind up someplace else.”
Organizations are great at implementing activities, but are those activities aligned with your organization’s mission and vision?
Do you have a map?
If you do have a map, do you know where you are on the map? If you do or don’t… let DEBLAR assist you by assessing where you are or join you in developing a personalized needs assessment (map) for your organization.
A “Needs Assessment” is a systematic approach that progresses through a defined series of phases.
Needs Assessment focuses on the ends (i.e., outcomes) to be attained, rather than the means (i.e., process). For example, reading achievement is an outcome whereas reading instruction is a means toward that end.
It gathers data by means of established procedures and methods designed for specific purposes. The kinds and scope of methods are selected to fit the purposes and context of the needs assessment.
Needs assessment sets priorities and determines criteria for solutions so that planners and managers can make sound decisions.
Needs assessment sets criteria for determining how best to allocate available money, people, facilities, and other resources.
Needs assessment leads to action that will improve programs, services, organizational structure and operations, or a combination of these elements.