Logic Model Development

                    What is a Logic Model?

Logic modeling is a tool used to assess an organization and its programs to then create a plan of action. A logic model presents the issues, why those issues exist, what actions you will take and inform you if you are successful.

                    What are the Benefits of Using Logic Modeling?

Benefits of developing and using logic models are:

  • The model helps clarify issues within the organization and why those issues exist
  • The model helps staff to gain a common understanding of what is hindering the organization and identify solutions to address those issues
  • State what outcomes addressing those issues will have on the organization by aligning with the related program activities.
  • The model provides guidance in creating a plan of action for the organization.

Logic models can be used to design new programs or to confirm that an existing program design is still reasonable under current circumstances. Similarly, a logic model can confirm that the set of existing performance measures covers key aspects all along your organization’s performance range.
